Call for papers

Call for Papers

Dear colleagues,

Anafora is an academic journal published by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, which publishes categorized scholarly research (original research articles, preliminary communications, and review articles) as well as book reviews and essays in the field of literature and related areas within humanities and social sciences. We invite you to submit and participate in shaping the open, non-thematic issue of the journal, which is entering its 12th year of regular publication (XII, 1).

Papers in Croatian, English, German, Hungarian and Polish are submitted via the OJS application: and undergo a standard “double-blind” review process in accordance with the criteria of objectivity, anonymity and data confidentiality . Publication in our journal, indexed in the most important international databases (WoS, Scopus) and open access databases (DOAJ, CEEOL), ensures high visibility and citation of articles. You can find guidelines for manuscript preparation, referencing and other information on the journal’s website .


Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2025.

Expected date of publication: 30 June 2025.


For any further information or inquiry, please contact us at:



Editorial Board of Anafora